To continue our success in Turkey and the world market with the products we produce and the services we provide;

  • To fully identify and meet the requirements of our customers and employees, including laws and regulations,
  • To maintain continuous development activities together with R&D and P&D studies,
  • To contribute to the development of all our employees and suppliers,
  • Being competitive in prices,
  • Delivering on time,
  • Not compromising quality,

are the main ones of our fundamental duties and responsibilities.

As Maysan Mando management, we undertake to actually participate, actively support and continuously monitor the execution and finalisation of our management process activities mentioned above.


With the implementation of this policy, the Senior Management aims and undertakes to fulfil the following basic principles that are necessary to ensure the protection, continuity and sustainability of the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of all information assets within the scope of the Information Security Management System to be established to ensure compliance with customer special requestscompliance with legal requirements and adequate protection of all information of the company while realising the vision of being a fully integrated, globally preferred, pioneering, safe and comfortable driving solution partner for our customers, society, suppliers, employees and partners.

  1. Providing the necessary participation and support to the Organisation to be established in order to ensure compliance with the Information Security Management System standard requirements and controls,
  2. Ensuring compliance with the requirements and conditions determined by legal regulations, regulations, circulars, customer contracts and other relevant legal regulations, including the protection of personal data,
  3. Ensuring data security by ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of the information belonging to our company and our stakeholders (Customer, Supplier, etc.) in all cases,
  4. Ensure that information and personal data are only accessible to authorised persons in accordance with the principles of ‘need to know’ and ‘everything is prohibited unless authorised’,
  5. Providing the necessary resources and management support to the plans to be made regarding the regular provision of awareness programmes that will increase the awareness of the personnel regarding information security and encourage them to contribute to the functioning of the system, to the employees and, where relevant, to the employees of the suppliers,
  6. Providing the necessary support and contribution for the establishment, operation and continuity of the systems necessary for the realisation of continuous access to information and personal data at planned levels by ensuring business continuity,
  7. Ensuring the achievement of the targeted outputs of the Information Security Management System and supporting its continuous improvement,
  8. Providing the necessary resources to be determined for the implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the Information Security Management System,

The Information Security Management System will be integrated into the business processes of our company and the requirements and conditions created regarding information security will be taken into consideration at every stage.


Since the day it was founded, Maysan Mando has focused on corporate social responsibility activities that are ‘in harmony with nature’ and add value to the society it lives in, acting with the principle of ‘human first’, and has internalised this understanding at every level of the institution.

Maysan Mando, acting with the awareness of corporate social responsibility in the value chain covering the company, employees, dealers, suppliers and the whole society, prioritises the understanding of ‘giving to society what it receives from society’ in its social responsibility activities.

Maysan Mando decisively realises sustainable social responsibility projects with the goal of ‘a better world’. Our company, which attaches importance to the most effective and efficient use of depleting natural resources, endeavours to improve the quality of social life.

Maysan Mando, which maintains continuous communication with its stakeholders in accordance with the Social Sustainability Principle, fulfils all its responsibilities in the protection and development of ethical values.

Our basic principles that we take as basis in our social responsibility practices are as follows;

  • We ensure that people with different beliefs, thoughts and opinions work in harmony in our work areas. We do not accept discrimination among our employees based on language, race, colour, gender, political opinion, belief, religion, sect, age, physical disability and similar reasons.
  • We act by prioritising the traditions, legal regulations and sensitivities of the Turkish and Korean cultures, which are our partners, and we maintain this sensitivity for all other countries where we carry out commercial and social activities.
  • We organise activities to increase the social responsibility awareness of our employees and our society and lead voluntary activities.
  • We are aware that we are obliged to implement all kinds of improvement and development works that will minimise these effects by considering the environmental impacts of our work. In this direction, we aim to continuously improve with an effective environmental management system by providing the necessary technical, financial and human resources to achieve environmental principles and targets at every stage of our raw material selection and production activities.
  • We do not employ child labour at any stage of production. We observe the age limits determined within the framework of laws and provisions.
  • We work in accordance with ethical principles, we work with the highest level of honesty in all business activities and relationships in the light of the principle of transparency first; we avoid all forms of corruption, bribery, blackmail and misconduct. As Maysan Mando, we do not tolerate the exchange of money and gifts to influence the behaviour of another person, organisation, politician, government employee or office for commercial or personal benefit.
  • We make efforts to support women’s employment and prioritise where positive discrimination can be provided.
  • Within the framework of the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact), of which HL Mando is a signatory, and WEP’s (Women Empowerment Principles), which is a sub-working group of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women); we follow the policies of promoting equality, providing equal health, safety and welfare to women and men employees; supporting women’s professional development opportunities; fair treatment at work, respect for human rights and the principle of non-discrimination.

All Maysan Mando employees, especially the senior management of the company, are responsible for the implementation and sustainability of our Corporate Social Responsibility policy.


As Maysan Mando Otomotiv Parçaları A.Ş., due to our responsibilities to human and society, we aim to ensure the sustainability of our Occupational Health and Safety Management System with the slogan ‘Your occupational health and safety protects you, not your experience’ in all our activities in product design and production processes. For this reason

  • To protect our employees and stakeholders from hazards that may arise in the form of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, to minimise damaging effects, to aim for complete physical, mental and social well-being,
  • To comply with all legal regulations and other conditions we are obliged to comply with,
  • With the participation of all employees, to eliminate hazards to occupational health and safety with a proactive approach and to reduce risks to acceptable levels,
  • To create a healthy and safe working environment in machinery, equipment and auxiliary facilities in line with Occupational Health and Safety targets,
  • To achieve zero work accidents by ensuring continuous improvement within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety Management System,
  • To spread the awareness that continuous improvement activities are the common responsibility of all employees,
  • To make Occupational Health and Safety culture a way of life for our employees and stakeholders,

are our main activities.


Due to our responsibilities towards society and the environment, our goal is to carry out all our activities in product design and production processes with an environmentalist approach and to continuously improve our Environmental Management System. For this reason;

  • To prevent pollution by preventing, controlling and reducing the formation of wastes at the source,
  • To prevent pollution by preventing, controlling and reducing the formation of wastes at the source,
  • To produce with environmentally friendly materials and technologies from the design stage,
  • To provide activities to protect the environment, mitigate climate change and protect the ecosystem in line with sustainable development goals,
  • To comply with all legal regulations and other conditions we are obliged to comply with,
  • To raise awareness of our employees and stakeholders in sustainable environmental studies,
  • Continuous improvement of the environmental management system in line with our environmental goals and objectives,
  • Our main activities are to become a Carbon Neutral factory as Maysan Mando in 2050 with our sustainable environmental activities.

We are committed to carry out the necessary research and studies to reduce energy use in all our activities, products and services and to continuously improve our energy performance and to support the studies for this purpose.

In this direction;

  • To set goals and objectives in line with the policy, to provide the necessary resources by creating actions to achieve these goals and objectives,
  • To fulfil the requirements of all legal regulations and other conditions that we are obliged to follow regarding energy,
  • To communicate effectively with all our stakeholders to create common value and beneficial results on Energy Management related issues,
  • To use resources and technologies suitable for energy efficiency in the design phase and other processes and to improve energy performance,
  • To ensure efficient use of natural resources and energy, to increase the share of renewable energy sources in energy use,
  • To reduce energy consumption, to make improvements for continuous improvement in energy efficiency, to monitor their implementation and results,
  • To use energy efficient products to improve energy performance and to ensure the purchase of such services,
  • To contribute to raising awareness of all our employees and stakeholders on energy sensitivity,
  • ISO 50001:2018 Enerji Yönetimi Sistemi kapsamında enerji tüketimlerimizin düşürülmesini, enerji performansının takip edilmesini ve sürekli iyileştirme sağlamayı taahhüt ediyoruz.


  • We evaluate all applications made to our company by considering equal opportunity and we carry out our entire process with the principle of confidentiality.
  • Our aim is to meet the need for manpower in line with Maysan Mando values and culture, and to ensure the most efficient utilization and continuity of this power.
  • We use criteria and methods specific to the positions to ensure the most accurate placement.
  • Recruitment activities are carried out within annual budgets and process steps are implemented in a transparent and standardized manner.


  • At Maysan Mando, Training Management is seen as a strategic business partner and development activities are structured within the framework of business needs.
  • Training and Development Management is designed to support the personal and professional development of employees. Our employees are provided with training opportunities to develop their careers in addition to their existing competencies in order to support their personal development.
  • Annual and strategic training is planned in line with position requirements, employee and manager demands. Annual and strategic training is planned in line with position requirements, employee and manager demands.
  • With a culture where managers take responsibility for the development of their employees, we design customized development and follow-up programs for our managers, contributing to their self-improvement in the field of management.


  • The Performance Evaluation System aims to measure the individual contribution of our employees to our company’s strategic goals.
  • Our performance system, designed with a fair and transparent infrastructure, enables our employees to reach objective criteria for career development.
  • Our employees are encouraged to raise their performance to the desired level and make it sustainable.


  • In light of the “people first” approach, we organize our internal communication activities with the positioning of our employees as our greatest capital and source of success.
  • With this awareness, we organize events on special occasions to contribute to the motivation of our employees.
  • We organize football, basketball, bowling and bowling tournaments to take teamwork outside of work and to reinforce competition with fun.
  • We fulfill our responsibilities towards society by contributing to social responsibility projects in our internal communication activities.
  • In our Corporate Communication Policy, we focus on open and effective communication with different audiences inside and outside the company.
  • We effectively use our website, social media, printed media, internal and external bulletins to protect Maysan Mando’s reputation and to inform about our products, targets and activities.
  • As stated in our vision, we carry out all our corporate communication activities within this framework in order to “be a leading shock absorber manufacturer and partner that is fully integrated and globally recognized for our customers, society, suppliers, employees and partners while fulfilling our corporate responsibilities”.


  • The suggestion and reward system, which is carried out with the slogan “I just had a great idea”, aims to improve business processes, increase productivity and reward suggestion owners by ensuring employee participation.
  • Seniority and loyalty are important in our company. For this purpose, we reward our employees who have worked for our company for many years for their sense of belonging once a year by the Senior Management at a ceremony held in front of all employees.
  • We reward our employees who add value to our company with their outstanding achievements with different recognition and appreciation methods.